Two girls in Virtual Kitchen.

Cupboard Cook-up Course

Ever wondered how to turn cupboard basics into tasty nutritious dishes? Using the Eatwell Plate as a guide to healthy eating, you will learn how to stock your food cupboard …

Members of Wandsworth Community Choir, virtual.

Wandsworth Community Choir Goes Virtual!

After a short break during lockdown, Wandsworth Community Choir (WCC) is back and ready to lift everyone’s spirits. Choir members have been practicing in the socially distanced safety of their …

Keep london learning logo.

Keep London Learning

  Wandsworth Council Lifelong Learning is part of Keep London Learning We want to let you know about a great new initiative we are involved with, and how you can …

A usual business building with a red brick exterior and a green sign.

Business as Usual? 

Wandsworth Lifelong Learning courses ended on the 18th March, due to Government restrictions on social interaction, but we have quickly adapted our provision to the on-line world. For the time …

A group of people in orange shirts with the words love your life, engaging in a fun Challenge.

Baked Bean Rise to the Challenge

Delivering Virtual Learning and More The Baked Bean Company is a charity working with people with learning difficulties and disabilities in the borough of Wandsworth.  Through funding from Wandsworth Lifelong …

Listening to the speakers gave me goose bumps and was very inspiring, highlighting their project's success.

New project BREWs up success

A new scheme to help women over 50 get on in business has been launched during Wandsworth Enterprise Month. For further details on this programme please click here. The month-long …