Business & Education Succeeding Together (BEST)
Bringing schools, colleges and businesses together to prepare young people for the workplace.
Our aim is to raise young people’s aspirations and to develop their employability skills through work related learning.
BEST Services
About BEST
Many Education Business Partnerships have disappeared in the last ten years, but BEST hasn’t – established in 1993 and still offering the same service (and more) to schools and employers across London.
Registered Charity Number: 1078992
Pre-16 work experience
We minimise the stress for busy school coordinators. For a nominal fee you can access our web-based system WebView and keep track of your students’ selections.
Post-16 work experience
We offer a range of placements to support A-Level and vocational courses. These can be within specific industry sectors to help your students with their career decisions.
Work experience preparation
We can also deliver work experience preparation assemblies and workshops to prepare your students for their placements.
Careers events
We arrange careers events which enable your students to interact with employers. Using our extensive range of business contacts, we arrange for employers to visit your school to take part in events which can include speed networking and mock interviews.
Parents’ evenings
We offer support at parents evenings by delivering talks on topics such as work experience and post-16 decisions and pathways.
Extended placements
We arrange extended placements for post-16 vocational students to give them the opportunity to gain experience in their chosen field over a longer period of time.
Apprenticeship awareness
We have extensive knowledge of recruiting for and running apprenticeship programmes. We can give accurate, up-to-date information to your Y11 and Y13 students about apprenticeships.
Targeted NEET support
We can offer support tailored specifically for young people at risk of NEET. This includes workshops and 1:1 careers guidance.
Gatsby benchmarks
We have a level 6 qualified careers adviser who worked as a Careers Lead in a secondary school for 10 years. We can work with you to identify if you have any gaps in your careers offer and support you to meet the benchmarks.
BEST Awards
We hold an annual awards evening for our students and employers to recognise and celebrate their work experience successes.