Register to attend our e-Conference on women, age and enterprise
23 February, 1.30-3pm, held on Zoom
1 in 3 entrepreneurs in the EU is a woman and women aged over 50 are likely to earn 25% less on average than a man of a similar age - this is something we want to change.
Through 4000 hours of advice and training, BREW project has explored training, coaching and other techniques to equip women across four European cities in enterprise skills and business resilience, showing how age can be a real advantage.
Ideal for anyone in business, training, education and policy who is interested in gaining new insights and inspiration on how to better support women over 50 in business. And, of course, all the woman who took part in the BREW Project - this event is going to be a real celebration of your experience.
Combatting e-meeting fatigue, we are going to make this session will be upbeat, informative and based on ‘BREW’ Project principles. Run by the people who created and took part in the project, the meeting will be hosted by UK partners West Creative and Wandsworth Council’s Lifelong Learning. Similar events are being held during February by our other European partners to conclude this ERASMUS+ European Union funded project.
Join us on 23 February to:
- Be inspired by the women who received the BREW training
- Learn about business resilience and the power of mentoring from industry expert and project champion Jane Milton
- Discover how to use BREW’s results in your own education and training settings
Register a free place

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